Requirement of European Applicant for GS certification - Revised Product Safety Act
Dear Client,
请知悉,作为GS标志法律基础的德国产品安全法 (ProdSG) 已修订并将于 2021年7月16日生效。
Please be informed that the German Product Safety Law (ProdSG), which serves as the legal foundation for the GS Mark has been revised and comes into force on July 16, 2021.
TÜV SÜD is committed to ensure that you further comply to all necessary requirements, and therefore supports you in the application of the law.
新法律的主要变化之一:如果制造商位于欧盟 (EU) 或欧洲自由贸易联盟 (EFTA: 冰岛,挪威,瑞士,列支敦士登) 以外,或无法提供在欧盟合法注册的地址用以接受传唤,则法定授权代表应代替制造商提交证书申请。
One of the key changes in the new law: If the manufacturer is located outside of the European Union (EU) or European Free Trade Association (EFTA: Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Liech-tenstein) or cannot provide a legally registered address in the EU for servicing a summons, a legal representative shall submit the application on behalf of the manufacturer.
As such, our application process for GS mark has been modified as following:
情况 1:制造商位于欧盟/欧洲自由贸易联盟境内:当前流程没有变化;
Case 1: Manufacturer located in the EU/EFTA: No change to the current process.
情况 2:制造商不在欧盟/欧洲自由贸易联盟,但在申请时有欧盟/欧洲自由贸易联盟境内的授权代表:授权代表作为申请人,制造商作为证书持有人同时签署申请。GS项目将按照当前流程进行处理;
Case 2: Manufacturer not located in EU/EFTA but EU-/EFTA-authorized representative known at the time of application: Representative signs the application as applicant and manufacturer signs as certificate holder. GS project will be processed as per current process.
情况 3:制造商不在欧盟/欧洲自由贸易联盟境内,并且在申请时没有欧盟/欧洲自由贸易联盟境内的授权代表:制造商可以先申请TÜV南德安全认证标志(TÜV SÜD Safety Mark),它将包括GS项目的全部要求。一旦有欧盟/欧洲自由贸易联盟境内的授权代表后,GS认证申请将由该代表签署,GS证书将在TÜV南德安全认证(TÜV SÜD Safety Mark)项目的基础上颁发。
Case 3: Manufacturer not located in EU/EFTA and EU-/ EFTA-authorized representative not known at the time of application: TÜV SÜD Safety Mark can be applied by Manufacturer, which will include all requirements of GS project. Once the EU-/EFTA-authorized representative is available, application for GS mark is signed by the representative and GS Mark will be issued based on the TÜV SÜD Safety Mark project.
Best Regards
TÜV SÜD Certification & Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch
Mechanical Safety Dept.
Jul.15, 2021
Please contact us atMES@tuvsud.comfor further details.